Nederlandse synoniemen voor 'aftappen'

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aftappen (ww):
afluisteren(en) to draw off (a liquid) from a container or other source; to draw off a liquid from (a container or other source).
(en) to connect a listening and/or recording device to (a communication cable or device) in order to listen in secretly on telephone calls or other communications; to secretly listen in on and/or record (a telephone call or other communication).
, meeluisteren(en) to draw off (a liquid) from a container or other source; to draw off a liquid from (a container or other source).
(en) to connect a listening and/or recording device to (a communication cable or device) in order to listen in secretly on telephone calls or other communications; to secretly listen in on and/or record (a telephone call or other communication).
, tappen(en) to connect a listening and/or recording device to (a communication cable or device) in order to listen in secretly on telephone calls or other communications; to secretly listen in on and/or record (a telephone call or other communication).
(en) to draw off (a liquid) from a container or other source; to draw off a liquid from (a container or other source).
, afwateren(fr) Débarasser un terrain de l’excès d’humidité., draineren(fr) Débarasser un terrain de l’excès d’humidité., droogleggen(fr) Débarasser un terrain de l’excès d’humidité.

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