N.B. De resultaten hieronder komen van derde partijen. Zie ook resultaten uit onze eigen synoniemendatabank voor bekendmaking.
bekendmaking (zn):
reclame(nl) —., publicatie(en) the act of revealing something.
(en) law: the making known of facts.
(pt) (ato ou efeito de publicar)., onthulling(en) the act of revealing something.
(en) law: the making known of facts., openbaarmaking(en) the act of revealing something.
(en) law: the making known of facts., terkennisgeving(en) the act of revealing something.
(en) law: the making known of facts., vrijgave(en) the act of revealing something.
(en) law: the making known of facts., aankondiging(en) that which conveys what is announced., advertentie(fr) Avis par lequel on fait savoir quelque chose au public, verbalement ou par écrit.., kennisgeving(pl) —., mededeling(fr) Avis par lequel on fait savoir quelque chose au public, verbalement ou par écrit..
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