N.B. De resultaten hieronder komen van derde partijen. Zie ook resultaten uit onze eigen synoniemendatabank voor blokkeren.
blokkeren (ww):
sperren(nl) —.
(nl) (ov) de toe- of doorgang versperren., vastzetten(nl) —.
(nl) zorgen dat iets niet gebruikt of misbruikt kan worden., afblokken(nl) —., afstoppen(nl) —., choken(nl) —., versperren(en) to obstruct the passage of.
(en) to lock or bolt with a bar.
(en) to prevent passing.
(pl) —., advocatuur(en) to obstruct the passage of.
(en) to lock or bolt with a bar., baar(en) to obstruct the passage of.
(en) to lock or bolt with a bar., balie(en) to obstruct the passage of.
(en) to lock or bolt with a bar., ban(en) to obstruct the passage of.
(en) to lock or bolt with a bar., bar(en) to obstruct the passage of.
(en) to lock or bolt with a bar., barreren(en) to lock or bolt with a bar.
(en) to obstruct the passage of., blok(en) to obstruct the passage of.
(en) to lock or bolt with a bar., orde van advocaten(en) to obstruct the passage of.
(en) to lock or bolt with a bar., reep(en) to obstruct the passage of.
(en) to lock or bolt with a bar., staaf(en) to obstruct the passage of.
(en) to lock or bolt with a bar., stang(en) to obstruct the passage of.
(en) to lock or bolt with a bar., stuk(en) to obstruct the passage of.
(en) to lock or bolt with a bar., tapkast(en) to obstruct the passage of.
(en) to lock or bolt with a bar., toog(en) to obstruct the passage of.
(en) to lock or bolt with a bar., verbod(en) to obstruct the passage of.
(en) to lock or bolt with a bar., vergrendelen(en) to obstruct the passage of.
(en) to lock or bolt with a bar., zandbank(en) to obstruct the passage of.
(en) to lock or bolt with a bar., opzeggen(pt) (parar o pagamento de um cheque, assinatura de revista, etc)., vastlopen(en) to become fastened in place.
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Via: Memodata.com