N.B. De resultaten hieronder komen van derde partijen. Zie ook resultaten uit onze eigen synoniemendatabank voor kalm.
kalm (bn):
rustig(nl) weinig in beroering, zonder opwinding.
(en) (of water) with few or no waves on the surface.
(en) free from anger and anxiety.
(en) free of noise and disturbance.
(en) colloquial: not upset.
(en) not showing emotion, calm.
(de) beherrscht, gesammelt.
(en) having an easy-going mood.
(en) Cool-headed, emotionally stable, in focus.
(en) having little motion.
(en) mild, calm.
(fr) posé, tranquille.
(ja) 静かな., onaandoenlijk(nl) —., onberoerd(nl) —., ongeroerd(nl) —., bedaard(en) colloquial: not upset.
(en) not showing emotion, calm.
(en) Cool-headed, emotionally stable, in focus.
(fr) posé, tranquille., beheerst(en) colloquial: not upset.
(en) not showing emotion, calm.
(de) beherrscht, gesammelt.
(pl) —., vredig(en) free of noise and disturbance.
(en) free from anger and anxiety.
(en) (of water) with few or no waves on the surface., blits(en) colloquial: not upset.
(en) not showing emotion, calm., kil(en) colloquial: not upset.
(en) not showing emotion, calm., koel(en) colloquial: not upset.
(en) not showing emotion, calm., stil(ja) 静かな.
kalm (bw):
kalmpjes(en) in a calm manner., kalmweg(en) in a calm manner.
cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken
Via: Memodata.com