N.B. De resultaten hieronder komen van derde partijen. Zie ook resultaten uit onze eigen synoniemendatabank voor rustig.
rustig (bn):
ongeroerd(nl) —., stiekem(nl) —., kalm(en) not talking.
(en) not busy.
(en) with little sound.
(en) having little motion.
(de) beherrscht, gesammelt.
(en) colloquial: not upset.
(en) Cool-headed, emotionally stable, in focus.
(en) free of noise and disturbance.
(en) mild, calm.
(en) having an easy-going mood.
(fr) posé, tranquille.
(ja) 静かな., stil(en) with little sound.
(en) not busy.
(en) not talking.
(en) having little motion.
(ja) 静かな., geluidloos(en) with little sound.
(en) not busy.
(en) not talking.
(en) having little motion., geruisloos(en) not talking.
(en) not busy.
(en) with little sound.
(en) having little motion., vredig(en) having little motion.
(en) not talking.
(en) not busy.
(en) with little sound., zwijgzaam(en) with little sound.
(en) having little motion.
(en) not busy.
(en) not talking., bedaard(en) colloquial: not upset.
(en) Cool-headed, emotionally stable, in focus.
(fr) posé, tranquille., beheerst(de) beherrscht, gesammelt.
(en) colloquial: not upset., blits(en) colloquial: not upset., kil(en) colloquial: not upset., koel(en) colloquial: not upset., vreedzaam(en) calm and quiet; peaceful.
rustig (bw):
kalmpjes(nl) —.
cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken
Via: Memodata.com