Nederlandse synoniemen voor 'tijd'

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tijd (zn):
chrono(nl) —., tijdsnede(nl) —., tijdperk(en) division of the day: particular moment or hour.
(en) measurement of a quantity of time.
(en) youth or young adulthood.
(en) inevitable passing of events.
(en) measurement under some system of the time of day or moment in time.
(en) quantity of availability in time.
(en) particular period of time in history.
, duur(en) division of the day: particular moment or hour.
(en) measurement of a quantity of time.
(en) youth or young adulthood.
(en) inevitable passing of events.
(en) measurement under some system of the time of day or moment in time.
(en) quantity of availability in time.
, keer(en) division of the day: particular moment or hour.
(en) measurement of a quantity of time.
(en) youth or young adulthood.
(en) inevitable passing of events.
(en) measurement under some system of the time of day or moment in time.
(en) quantity of availability in time.
, tijdstip(en) division of the day: particular moment or hour.
(en) measurement of a quantity of time.
(en) youth or young adulthood.
(en) measurement under some system of the time of day or moment in time.
(en) inevitable passing of events.
(en) quantity of availability in time.
, tempus(en) verb forms distinguishing time.
(lt) laikas.
(lt) laikas.
(ja) 時間を表す動詞の範疇.
, epoch(en) particular period of time in history., era(en) particular period of time in history., uur(en) the time.

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