N.B. De resultaten hieronder komen van derde partijen. Zie ook resultaten uit onze eigen synoniemendatabank voor visie.
visie (zn):
doorzicht(nl) —., mening(en) point of view.
(en) mental image.
(en) way of understanding.
(en) thought a person has formed about a topic.
(ja) 考え、見解.
(zh) 對事物的看法或想法., opinie(en) opinion.
(en) thought a person has formed about a topic.
(ja) 考え、見解.
(zh) 對事物的看法或想法., gedachte(en) thought a person has formed about a topic.
(ja) 考え、見解.
(zh) 對事物的看法或想法., opvatting(en) way of understanding.
(en) mental image.
(en) point of view., overzicht(en) mental image.
(en) point of view.
(en) way of understanding., zicht(en) way of understanding.
(en) mental image.
(en) point of view., zienswijze(en) thought a person has formed about a topic.
(ja) 考え、見解.
(zh) 對事物的看法或想法., lijn(en) course of conduct, thought, occupation, or policy.
(zh) 做事的門徑., methode(en) course of conduct, thought, occupation, or policy.
(zh) 做事的門徑., termijn(de) Perspektive, persönliche Einstellung oder Wahrnehmung.
(de) Dauer, Frist., begrip(en) opinion., cliché(en) a common or longstanding belief, custom, or catchphrase associated with a particular group, especially one with little current meaning or truth., gezichtspunt(en) opinion., kijk(en) ideal or goal., slagzin(en) a common or longstanding belief, custom, or catchphrase associated with a particular group, especially one with little current meaning or truth., slogan(en) a common or longstanding belief, custom, or catchphrase associated with a particular group, especially one with little current meaning or truth., woord(en) a common or longstanding belief, custom, or catchphrase associated with a particular group, especially one with little current meaning or truth.
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