Nederlandse synoniemen voor 'schillen'

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schillen (ww):
afpellen(nl) —., afstropen(nl) —., ontvellen(nl) —., pellen(de) Küche: die dünne Schale einer Frucht oder anderer Nahrungsmittel entfernen.
(en) to remove the outer covering or shell of something.
(en) To remove the outer covering or skin of something with a knife.
(en) To reduce or trim something (as if) by cutting off.
(fr) Enlever la peau ou les parties les moins comestibles d’un fruit ou d’un légume.
(sv) 1: avlägsna skalet.
, (af)knippen(en) To remove the outer covering or skin of something with a knife.
(en) To reduce or trim something (as if) by cutting off.
, beknibbelen(en) To remove the outer covering or skin of something with a knife.
(en) To reduce or trim something (as if) by cutting off.
, besnoeien(en) To remove the outer covering or skin of something with a knife.
(en) To reduce or trim something (as if) by cutting off.
, doppen(en) to remove the outer covering or shell of something.
(fr) Enlever la peau ou les parties les moins comestibles d’un fruit ou d’un légume.
, snoeien(en) To remove the outer covering or skin of something with a knife.
(en) To reduce or trim something (as if) by cutting off.
, kraken(en) to remove the outer covering or shell of something., onderscheiden(de) reflexiv: anders sein als etwas oder jemand, mit dem verglichen wird., verschillen(de) reflexiv: anders sein als etwas oder jemand, mit dem verglichen wird.

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